Thursday, January 9, 2014

Nightstalker and Hellraiser

Anyone who knows me knows that I have some of the most personable children on the planet. They each have their own unique gifts and talents. Since birth they all have displayed their own personality traits. For this very reason I am giving nicknames for my children. I wanted you to know how I distinguish them in my mind. It also helps for when I tell stories. 

 My oldest is my "Little Nutty Professor", she is beautiful, inquisitive, highly intelligent, quick, and just as absent-minded as they come! She will cure cancer or end world hunger, but someone will have to help her remember to put matching shoes on!! She would lose her head if it wasn't screwed on to her neck, but she can tell every move you made that day! I don't understand it.

Then there is my 4 year old ( we celebrated a birthday this week). She is my diva, my prissy lady, and my "Nightstalker". Just when you get all comfortable in your bed, her she comes. It doesn't matter where you sleep she is there. I have slept in the guest bed, the sofa, even a blow-up mattress. When I woke up she was there right in the grove. She stalks from room to room (half sleep ) looking for anyone that will allow her in the bed them. I slept hard so I don't say no. She makes mommy and daddy time VERY INTERESTING!This chick is so animated she should be on T.V. 

Lastly there is my little "Hellraiser"! He is my 2 year old. He makes me really believe that there is a time and place to pick your battles. He is a lady's man ( especially ladies with boobies). He knows how to "turn it up", especially when you don't want him to do it. He is like the roadrunner the way he moves. You can't turn your back, but then again he is so stink'in cute why would you want too. 

Today was a leftover night! After  and running errands, it just seemed like a good time. Day #4 and I am still in effect. I made my crock pot  pot roast, steamed broccoli, and homemade smashed potatoes. The whole meal coast about $20 at the grocery store. It was part of our birthday celebration this week, so we splurged a little. The Chuck roast was huge so it will last two nights. I mean a family of five on $20, no fast food place could do that unless you ordered off the $1 menu. Oh Friday night will be some good eating.

Tip #1 
I figured out in order to curb the need to stop as we travel to and from school and practices packing snack baggies was needed. Apple slices, raisins, yogurt, variety of nuts and even turkey rolls are just some of the snacks I put in the bag to let the munch so that my stress level stays down. This has also helped me be organized this week because I make school snacks while I am bagging car snack. Then before I go pick the kids up I pack a mini cooler. The built in fridge in the car keeps the drinks niche and cold.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Polar Vortex

Day #2

Okay God has an amazing sense of humor! The “Polar Vortex” hit us this week and my 2, 3, and 7 year old children have been going stir crazy. I mean when they weren't sliding down the stairs, or wrestling each other to the floor to steal kisses (okay they get that from me), then they were eating all of the snack in the house. Thank the LORD school is open tomorrow. I am going to put several layers on them and pray that they don't get sick. At least the snacks were healthy!!!

So for today we had another late breakfast. Boiled eggs, turkey bacon, and toast. I wanted my smoothie so bad. My girlfriend has me hooked!! Thanks Lex! But anyway.... the kids had apples and bananas for mid morning snacks. Lunch we did simple Lunchable style with chips and bottled water. Then they went on a fruit snack binge in the afternoon. I actually had to hide the remaining packs so my oldest would actually have something for lunch.  My baby boy actually got a hold of the hummas and pita chips and posted up in front of the fire with SpongeBob! It was so funny to watch. 

So I tried something different for dinner tonight. I actually shopped my pantry and fridge. I found everything to make meatloaf. What's awesome is that it was not in the menu plan for this week. I had everything I needed to make meatloaf right in my house. AWESOME!! So for dinner we have meatloaf, steamed broccoli and carrots, and I made mashed potatoes (from scratch) but they were already eating by the time they were done. So I will use them for dinner tomorrow. 

Now my plan is to start taking pictures of these meals. Small steps! Small steps! I also got some cleaning done today. Not much but  I got two loads of laundry done and that makes me happy!! Now I gotta get these clothes folded and put up!!!


Monday, January 6, 2014

30 Day Eat- In Challenge

Day #1

Today starts my 30 Day Eat -In challenge! This challenge is where I force myself as a mother of three young children to organize my life starting with my families eating habits. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. I want to get in the habit of not stopping at fast food places everyday. While I enjoy eating out, it should be a treat not a lifestyle. 

I have one child that is a competitive cheerleader, one that in tap and ballet, and the last one is gearing up for soccer in the spring. To add another item to my plate I recently started a business. How's that for additional stress? I spend four hours of my day driving in-between school, practice, and home. I find myself often stopping at various fast food places during my travels. Why? Mainly because it makes my drive easier, one less thing I have to worry about when I get home, and its good. 

Well let me tell you what I have found. 
  1. My kids trash my car with fast food wrappers.
  2. It cost way to much money to feed people from fast food joints these days.
  3. Groceries go to waist because the food is not getting cooked (more money down the drain)
  4. Most importantly, I am passing on bad eating and health habits. - This one was really hard for me because everything I do is for my babies.

So I decided to start by getting our family budget in check, getting our house hold organized, and getting my family on the right track. 

This morning we had amazing fruit smoothies with sausage balls and boiled eggs. The sausage balls were made with ground turkey, cheddar cheese, and  biscuit mix. My kids love hard boiled eggs so I made them each one and cut it to look like little hearts. The smoothie which was my favorite was made with frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, honey, pineapple, and vanilla almond milk. It was delicious! Tomorrow I will add spinach to make sure I get my greens in. 
Thanks to mother nature EVERYBODY was home today. I was not prepared for that, but I did have apples and raisins for snacks today.
Turkey chili was made on Sunday and I froze half for next week ( yeah I thought ahead).
Afternoon Snack
Hummus and pretzels ( The kids love it!)
Sweet and Sour Meatballs served on a bed of rice- This was a recipe that was sent to me via facebook from . I made two freezer bags, one for now and one for later.